How does somebody just abandon their blog?!
Oh my goodness gracious!
I haven't any followers really, but I still do it for myself..
Oh where has the time flown!
A.It is the middle of November.
B. I am no longer a beautiful blonde but a rocking redhead ( yet to my dismay..I don't like it)
C. My painting orders have been flying, which is amazing.
D. I have zero time to complete anything! Let alone things for myself! Oh the time!
Back to this painting I must get. But to my blog, the answer is...No I haven't forgotten, and I apologize with extreme sincerity!
I have gone into lazy mode....
I have a couple of orders for paintings and my mind is telling me..DO IT! YOU MUST!
And my body is telling me..relax...have a cup of tea....
How about I lay in bed for longer than I am supposed to, watch the Real World, and fantasize about being on the beach with a mojito. Yum Yum Yum.
And, if my boy could win the lottery that would just make my life complete :)
I don't even have anything fun or interesting to blog about. Nothing. Nadda. Nilch.
Sorry dudes and dudettes...
Happy Halloween!!!!
Somebody slap me on the wrist.
I am awfully bad at keeping up in here...and it's not even a hard thing to do!
The past couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy, so that always has something to do with it..I know..excuses are not needed.
I have been painting like crazy... I seem to work and to paint. Not much of a life outside of that, not that I am really complaining, it would just be nice to indulge sometimes.
Our move has been good so far, we have our little arguments, but I mean, who doesn't...correct? Our apartment is too small though..through my eyes..and all my stuff..our stuff! There isn't enough room for it all, and I want more! haha, of course.
Anyhow..It's Halloween today, so I must wish you all a super Happy Halloween! I didn't get any decorating, or any costumes together this year. Extremely saddening..I know..
But! Next year, I plan to decorate the bajeezish out of our apartment!

I am awfully bad at keeping up in here...and it's not even a hard thing to do!
The past couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy, so that always has something to do with it..I know..excuses are not needed.
I have been painting like crazy... I seem to work and to paint. Not much of a life outside of that, not that I am really complaining, it would just be nice to indulge sometimes.
Our move has been good so far, we have our little arguments, but I mean, who doesn't...correct? Our apartment is too small though..through my eyes..and all my stuff..our stuff! There isn't enough room for it all, and I want more! haha, of course.
Anyhow..It's Halloween today, so I must wish you all a super Happy Halloween! I didn't get any decorating, or any costumes together this year. Extremely saddening..I know..
But! Next year, I plan to decorate the bajeezish out of our apartment!

Does it define you?
Does it make you who you are, the person that you were and the person you have become?
Is it strong enough to support you, your inner and outer being?
Does it make you an individual and unique in your own way?
Does it shape you and frame the child, teen, young and old adult that you were and will be?
Do you like your name?
What made your parents choose your name?
I my name. It makes me feel strong, it makes me feel a sense of wisdom and individuality. I love my first name. Meghan. I love the way it is spelt, I love the way it is pronounced. And, I love how much my mother loves it.
I love my middle name. Mary. I love the sound it makes when it rolls off my tongue. I love how it flows with my first name. And. I love how it is my Baba's first name, it makes me feel honoured and proud to carry her name.
Does it make you who you are, the person that you were and the person you have become?
Is it strong enough to support you, your inner and outer being?
Does it make you an individual and unique in your own way?
Does it shape you and frame the child, teen, young and old adult that you were and will be?
Do you like your name?
What made your parents choose your name?
I my name. It makes me feel strong, it makes me feel a sense of wisdom and individuality. I love my first name. Meghan. I love the way it is spelt, I love the way it is pronounced. And, I love how much my mother loves it.
I love my middle name. Mary. I love the sound it makes when it rolls off my tongue. I love how it flows with my first name. And. I love how it is my Baba's first name, it makes me feel honoured and proud to carry her name.
Big ones little ones
I LOVE buttons!!!!
They are fun and fabulous and can be used in sooo many different ways! I am experimenting with them again after some time of not playing around. And I have discovered in ways to add a little dimension to a painting! It's gorgeous and fun and totally my style!

You wouldn't even believe how incredibly easy this was too!
I want to make more.. Tons more! And I want to share them with evvveerryone!!
Here is something else made from a button it's pretty cute too:

It can be pretty much anything you want, but it's a hair pin! Adorable ehhh?? Love love love buttons :)
Any ideas or thoughts, throw them my way!!
They are fun and fabulous and can be used in sooo many different ways! I am experimenting with them again after some time of not playing around. And I have discovered in ways to add a little dimension to a painting! It's gorgeous and fun and totally my style!
You wouldn't even believe how incredibly easy this was too!
I want to make more.. Tons more! And I want to share them with evvveerryone!!
Here is something else made from a button it's pretty cute too:
It can be pretty much anything you want, but it's a hair pin! Adorable ehhh?? Love love love buttons :)
Any ideas or thoughts, throw them my way!!
The new obsession of the day...the growing and ever so popuar...
If you are wondering what is it, how does it work, and why on earth would anyone be on such a thing.... click here ..dun dun dun..below!
See for yourself my loves :)
If you are wondering what is it, how does it work, and why on earth would anyone be on such a thing.... click here ..dun dun dun..below!
See for yourself my loves :)
I feel like lightning in a bottle. Ready to explode. I have all this creativity hiding inside of me, but I feel there is never enough time to ever do it, or start it, or finish it, or show it off!
I have a million and five things that I want to create and I haven't been able to begin one of them in days and days and days. Soon...soooooooooooooooon it will happen.
Thank goodness for my boy to understand my quirky, crazy, whacky, insane, can't sit still for one minute self. I drive myself bonkers most days, so I can't even begin to understand how crazy I must drive him some days.
Keep moving forward..
Just keep swimming..
I have a million and five things that I want to create and I haven't been able to begin one of them in days and days and days. Soon...soooooooooooooooon it will happen.
Thank goodness for my boy to understand my quirky, crazy, whacky, insane, can't sit still for one minute self. I drive myself bonkers most days, so I can't even begin to understand how crazy I must drive him some days.
Keep moving forward..
Just keep swimming..
With the move to the new apartment, all I have been able to see is...WHITE WALLS! Don't get me wrong, I like white walls, but... There was some definite color needed. Hence, here is the newest project I have embellished myself with.
First things first , I scrounged up all my paint and decided what colors I wanted to go with. I didn't have the right ones the play with, so I went on down to Michaels and picked up a couple more from the cheap $.69 display. Also, a sharpie paint marker. I bought the brown one, I was hoping for a darker brown, but this one did the job.

I tried and tried to change the picture around, was super stubborn. And the picture quality absolutely sucks.

I also had 3 canvas' lying around..yay! They are the 16x20 sizes.

Free handed a couple trees and branches here and there

And painted on some dots of all shapes and sizes

First things first , I scrounged up all my paint and decided what colors I wanted to go with. I didn't have the right ones the play with, so I went on down to Michaels and picked up a couple more from the cheap $.69 display. Also, a sharpie paint marker. I bought the brown one, I was hoping for a darker brown, but this one did the job.
And painted on some dots of all shapes and sizes
Well readers, it's official, my boy and I are living together! And for the first bit it has been more than wonderful, how Long will it last? How about forever because I am completely head over heels in love with this guy. Yes life together will have it's ups and downs, as a young couples living together always do.... , but this is it, I have my helmet on, ready to embrace anything that comes our way.
The apartment is adorable! Spacious enough for the pair of us, but small enough to keep junk to a minimum. Am I enjoying the decorating aspect of it all? You bet your bippy I am. It's so fun and frustrating and overwhelming and I LOVE IT!
I will post pics in the near future of the progress and even tonight I have a project!
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The apartment is adorable! Spacious enough for the pair of us, but small enough to keep junk to a minimum. Am I enjoying the decorating aspect of it all? You bet your bippy I am. It's so fun and frustrating and overwhelming and I LOVE IT!
I will post pics in the near future of the progress and even tonight I have a project!
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Made it back to the good ol' neighbourhood for a couple days.. Actually just half a day and an overnight. But it's more than I have in a long time. I haven't been home for a couple months now and wow do you ever notice a difference when you do get this way. I went to go and make coffee this morning, low and behold, the coffee maker broke and was tossed a long time ago! But it's nice to have some family time, to catch up and to pack up hundreds of pounds of stuff that I have. Guess you don't realize you have so much as to when you actually have to move it. Holy man, it's ridiculous! I threw a ton out and am giving lots of stuff away, get it off my chest! Let someone else enjoy it! But, you throw shit out and then with me, I am still buying more. NOT even to replace what I have tossed, but to add more to a room, more to my closet..more, more, more... what a bad habit. Definitely neeeeeeeed to kibosh that one.
I found this though, on the Ikea website.... It's not just a WANT WANT WANT WANT, it's a NEED NEED NEED NEED! Our bedroom at the new place is rather small, and this is a fantastic idea! I LOOOOVVVEEEE IT!! Alright, what I am about to show you isn't the Ikea website, but it's an adorable couple, that I haven't mentioned before..and I don't know how, because I go to their site for EVERYTHING! They are adorable, their house(s) are adorable..and they work together. Something I wish every couple could do. Work together. Such a strong bond and with the help of 4 hands..not 2.. so much more can ge accomplished!

I found this though, on the Ikea website.... It's not just a WANT WANT WANT WANT, it's a NEED NEED NEED NEED! Our bedroom at the new place is rather small, and this is a fantastic idea! I LOOOOVVVEEEE IT!! Alright, what I am about to show you isn't the Ikea website, but it's an adorable couple, that I haven't mentioned before..and I don't know how, because I go to their site for EVERYTHING! They are adorable, their house(s) are adorable..and they work together. Something I wish every couple could do. Work together. Such a strong bond and with the help of 4 hands..not 2.. so much more can ge accomplished!
I know, adorable right? And such a fabulous idea. Instead of putting those 2 lamps overhead, or rather those monograms, I think I would put a shelf. For things like, alarm clock, book, light, etc . But I love it, and must have it. I am not sure about the curtains on the side wardrobes, or if I would put doors instead. But I love the entire concept, and Mr Man, you will agree and love it as well!!
The tape measurer will be pulled out once we have our bed in place, ooooooh, I screech with excitement!!
Happy Dance
Alright, who is ready for it?
Take a seat, grab some popcorn, and be ready to laugh like silly...
Because of the ridiculous dance that I'm about to do for you!!
Someone got their own place!
With their boyfriend!
It's amazing, scary, exciting, nerve racking, just freaking AWESOME all wound into one!!!
Ready to decorate, to settle, to come home to my wonderfully handsome and goofy guy. Ready to use all my own stuff, my kitchen things! To bake and cook and eat in our own place. To sleep next to him everynight, even when I wanna strangle him...!
There will be bad days, but every bad day there will be hundreds of good days to make up for that one. I know it, I can feel it, and I can only welcome this new change with an open heart.

Take a seat, grab some popcorn, and be ready to laugh like silly...
Because of the ridiculous dance that I'm about to do for you!!
Someone got their own place!
With their boyfriend!
It's amazing, scary, exciting, nerve racking, just freaking AWESOME all wound into one!!!
Ready to decorate, to settle, to come home to my wonderfully handsome and goofy guy. Ready to use all my own stuff, my kitchen things! To bake and cook and eat in our own place. To sleep next to him everynight, even when I wanna strangle him...!
There will be bad days, but every bad day there will be hundreds of good days to make up for that one. I know it, I can feel it, and I can only welcome this new change with an open heart.
Just celebrated a birthday weekend with my boy. I couldn't give him much, mostly my heart. Which I give in full. What a wonderful start to years of birthdays ahead :)
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I recently aquired an apartment all to myself. Something in which I have been looking forward to for years now. The only problem being now, I don't have the funds to afford the place..
Any suggestions as to what I can to do to make a little extra cash..and No I will not be on the corner of 1st and Braecrest, even though I could make mad money there!
It's tough to take on an extra job when the one I have is all over the place for hours.... And if it would be an extra job, just one day a week can work. But, It's worth the shot, I just wish there were an easier way. Of course, easier way...yaaaa right...
This new position that I have transfered to best pick up the pace or else I will be a very unsatisfied employee..
Oh life, thanks for the kick in the ass! :)
Any suggestions as to what I can to do to make a little extra cash..and No I will not be on the corner of 1st and Braecrest, even though I could make mad money there!
It's tough to take on an extra job when the one I have is all over the place for hours.... And if it would be an extra job, just one day a week can work. But, It's worth the shot, I just wish there were an easier way. Of course, easier way...yaaaa right...
This new position that I have transfered to best pick up the pace or else I will be a very unsatisfied employee..
Oh life, thanks for the kick in the ass! :)
Let the bass in the speakers run through your sneakers.
I'm having a Kurt Cobain moment this morning. I have read the book Heavier than Heaven 3 times now I think..and I just woke up having a craving for Nirvana. I love all kinds of music..but I will forever lovvvveee Kurt Cobain.
I can't describe a definite genre of a music bc I love it all, most of the time. I go through phases in which I like something more than the other, but generally if I can tap my toes or sing a long, I'm going to like it.
I am in love with Mozella right now, actually have been for a while now, just a young indie girl that has a gorgeous voice and has cute, meaningful lyrics.
I listened to Creed this morning. Haha, it came up on my iTunes and I definitely sang a long, belted out a bit, and got deep into it. Haha, oh the music of the past, the present, and the unannounced future.
It frightens me sometimes to think of the 'artists' out there that are abusing the music industry with their poppy, tweenie, money grabbing music. That really doesn't make sense, and is robbing poor parents of their money. But, hey what can I do, just ignore it and carry on with music that actually makes sense. Except Nicki Minaj, she DOES NOT make sense for the life of her, but, I do enjoy her completely rando, useless lyrics, and catchy beats.At times, and in moderation.
Just listened to some New Amsterdamns, Honarary Title, Earlimart, etc etc. Love the garage, indie bands. By far the favorites.
It's kinda neat really, because the CW network always has way different bands on their shows, music that I've certainly never heard. So what they do i they put up all the music they had on the shows onto their site to promote those bands. They help them get on their feet in the music industry, SO cool! Exactly where I discovered most indie bands I listen to...And to you, that's my lesson for the day!
GO out there, enjoy a good tune, and be fortunate that there are such talented people in the world that live their life making us happy with their beautiful, wonderful, and super whacky, creations.
-I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not - Kurt Cobain
I'm having a Kurt Cobain moment this morning. I have read the book Heavier than Heaven 3 times now I think..and I just woke up having a craving for Nirvana. I love all kinds of music..but I will forever lovvvveee Kurt Cobain.
I can't describe a definite genre of a music bc I love it all, most of the time. I go through phases in which I like something more than the other, but generally if I can tap my toes or sing a long, I'm going to like it.
I am in love with Mozella right now, actually have been for a while now, just a young indie girl that has a gorgeous voice and has cute, meaningful lyrics.
I listened to Creed this morning. Haha, it came up on my iTunes and I definitely sang a long, belted out a bit, and got deep into it. Haha, oh the music of the past, the present, and the unannounced future.
It frightens me sometimes to think of the 'artists' out there that are abusing the music industry with their poppy, tweenie, money grabbing music. That really doesn't make sense, and is robbing poor parents of their money. But, hey what can I do, just ignore it and carry on with music that actually makes sense. Except Nicki Minaj, she DOES NOT make sense for the life of her, but, I do enjoy her completely rando, useless lyrics, and catchy beats.At times, and in moderation.
Just listened to some New Amsterdamns, Honarary Title, Earlimart, etc etc. Love the garage, indie bands. By far the favorites.
It's kinda neat really, because the CW network always has way different bands on their shows, music that I've certainly never heard. So what they do i they put up all the music they had on the shows onto their site to promote those bands. They help them get on their feet in the music industry, SO cool! Exactly where I discovered most indie bands I listen to...And to you, that's my lesson for the day!
GO out there, enjoy a good tune, and be fortunate that there are such talented people in the world that live their life making us happy with their beautiful, wonderful, and super whacky, creations.
-I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not - Kurt Cobain
To the fall
It's here, I can feel it in my bones. The crisp, clean air of fall. And... I love it!! It is just wonderful to be ready for summer to be over and for fall to begin. It kickstarting the process of winter arrival. Winter is my favorite, always has been always will be.
Many are completely gung hoe over summer. Nope, uh uh, not this gal. Winter clothes, winter tires, winter mitties and red rosy noses. Hehehehe, I love it!!
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Many are completely gung hoe over summer. Nope, uh uh, not this gal. Winter clothes, winter tires, winter mitties and red rosy noses. Hehehehe, I love it!!
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What happens?
Do you get into arguments? Or disagreements? Or stupid little nonsense quarrels?
Does it break your heart? Does it feed the anger inside or rip you apart?
Do you feel overwhelmed with hurt? With despair and anxiety?
Does your body feel like it's past it's limit, you want to just break down and say enough is enough?
Maybe not you. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it's over thinking and over analyzing and just... Me being me....
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Does it break your heart? Does it feed the anger inside or rip you apart?
Do you feel overwhelmed with hurt? With despair and anxiety?
Does your body feel like it's past it's limit, you want to just break down and say enough is enough?
Maybe not you. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it's over thinking and over analyzing and just... Me being me....
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Alright. Fellow bloggers, fellow readers, women and men. I finally did it... I got my winter tires changed out! I know, a tad late in the season, but it never was a super priority to me. As it should've been. You see, here I was at the liquor store yesterday to pick up a nice bottle of wine after my log day of work.. Well the man infront of me at the till was loud, obnoxious and oddly friendly. He paid for his purchases and went on his way, leaving the cashier and I to exchange glances of odd curiosity. Well turns out that extremely different character had the decency to point out my back passenger tire was going quite flat. Thanks weird man! You made me get off My lazy but and splurge on some tires. Can my next pay check come a little sooner please? I am sure I will be changing back to my winter tires sooner than I think too... Oh humph!
Happy Tuesday my lovvies, it is a beautiful splendid day! I took a light lunch to my wonderful boyfriend and we sat together and munched away, something which hasn't happened before. It was wonderful. Yep. He makes me smile. :)
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Happy Tuesday my lovvies, it is a beautiful splendid day! I took a light lunch to my wonderful boyfriend and we sat together and munched away, something which hasn't happened before. It was wonderful. Yep. He makes me smile. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Brand New
Here I go again, accepting a new journey, a new path in life. I am handing in my 2 weeks today and am utterly sick about it. I also being training at my new job today, something in which I despise doing, but must be done. I will be the new girl. The brand new zoo animal everyone can gawk at, everyone can judge, and take turns asking a bazilion questions about.. yay!! (note the sarcasm).
It is a bold move, but something in which I feel must be done. I wasn't particularly unhappy with my old position, just felt extremely unaccomplished and as if I weren't quite learning anything. I am walking out of there with the same knowledge that I walked in with.
With that, I wish myself luck, and a big thank you to my support system!
Where does it come from? I often ask myself this... not only because I have the creativity in me to take on new projects and tasks, but because it is not something in which I carry in my immediate family.
Sure my aunt is creative, but not in the sort of way that I am.
It's like I see a picture, or a piece of work, and I think... "how can I make something out of that, or how can I make it my own?"
One day, when I have my own place, I don't want to buy my pieces of art, or my little nicks and knacks. I want to have a house full of my own little interesing pieces that I myself have done.
I want a house alive and full of my energy and personal creations. Something that people can come and say "wow, that's something else, how did you ever think of that?"
I am a blogger fanatic.I love reading and seeing other projects that other people have taken on themselves. Because I think, my goodness, how did they come up with that? It's so neat to see what other people dream up and put from their mind into real life.
I have a number of things that I soon want to try. To find the time, the energy, and the consistancy to actually do it is something that I really want to do...for myself!
My new favorite website/Blog is about a cute couple who do things together. Who create projects together and have turned their home into a piece of art. It's gorgeous, and I have to say..I am slightly jealous!
Now Mr.T, will you please do this with me? I want to share the life experience of creating beauty with you. It will be fun..frustrating..and you may get fed up..but, together, we can do it!!
I am off for my holidays, so to the lake I go! Strawberry Margaritas call my name, and so..I shall sip away!
The Lettered Cottage, you have to visit, it's a must!
The Lettered Cottage

Sure my aunt is creative, but not in the sort of way that I am.
It's like I see a picture, or a piece of work, and I think... "how can I make something out of that, or how can I make it my own?"
One day, when I have my own place, I don't want to buy my pieces of art, or my little nicks and knacks. I want to have a house full of my own little interesing pieces that I myself have done.
I want a house alive and full of my energy and personal creations. Something that people can come and say "wow, that's something else, how did you ever think of that?"
I am a blogger fanatic.I love reading and seeing other projects that other people have taken on themselves. Because I think, my goodness, how did they come up with that? It's so neat to see what other people dream up and put from their mind into real life.
I have a number of things that I soon want to try. To find the time, the energy, and the consistancy to actually do it is something that I really want to do...for myself!
My new favorite website/Blog is about a cute couple who do things together. Who create projects together and have turned their home into a piece of art. It's gorgeous, and I have to say..I am slightly jealous!
Now Mr.T, will you please do this with me? I want to share the life experience of creating beauty with you. It will be fun..frustrating..and you may get fed up..but, together, we can do it!!
I am off for my holidays, so to the lake I go! Strawberry Margaritas call my name, and so..I shall sip away!
The Lettered Cottage, you have to visit, it's a must!
The Lettered Cottage
Fairy Dust
M: Toss..turn, grumble, kick the covers off, put the covers back on, push him over a bit..grumble some more..
T: zzzzz,,,,snore..snore..snore.. jibberjabber..snore...
T:'what are you doing?'
M: 'I can't sleep'
T: Looks, smiles, mumbles something, 'pass me the water', 'dakoyu'
T: 'You have to work in the morning too you know'
M: 'I know, I will be up at 6 with you...I slept until 10 this
morning, I can't sleep!'
T: 'It's going to come a lot sooner if you don't try...'
T: Rolls back over....zzzzz..snoooorree....
M: smiles...thanks for pointing out the obvious Mr, silly boy.
T: zzzzz,,,,snore..snore..snore.. jibberjabber..snore...
T:'what are you doing?'
M: 'I can't sleep'
T: Looks, smiles, mumbles something, 'pass me the water', 'dakoyu'
T: 'You have to work in the morning too you know'
M: 'I know, I will be up at 6 with you...I slept until 10 this
morning, I can't sleep!'
T: 'It's going to come a lot sooner if you don't try...'
T: Rolls back over....zzzzz..snoooorree....
M: smiles...thanks for pointing out the obvious Mr, silly boy.
*very cute idea, will be doing this sometime soon
To be alone is a scary thought. Again. I fear being alone, I have in the past, and I do again. But as I grow, I overcome that fear, I have opened my heart and my heart has let something and someone amazing into it.
In the past I have been reluctant to let others in, to open the door to my life and see the person who I am, who I was, and who I have become.
Times change, people change, and I have changed.
We become stronger from past relationships, from past mistakes, and we learn to grow from the things we have been determined to overcome.
freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-foundedconfidence.
something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense.
I now know what it feels like. I now know that it is okay to be scared sometimes. Not only because I know he is there to guard save me from the monsters of life, but also because he opened his heart to me. He wasn't scared to open his life up, show me the person that he is, let me in and allow me to love the person that he is. And so I wasn't afraid to open my heart to him.
1.He protects me from the perils that life passes us.
2.His lack of anguish has put a feeling of light to my soul, no fear, no pressure
3.I know as the days pass he will assure me that in the end, it's all okay.
We do this to ourselves, over and over, and it's rather silly..but we do!
We sit up, on our computers, weatching tv, reading a book, etc etc, until we can barely keep our eyes open..but..we..must..go..on..
Why!? It's so silly! I do it all the time, and I know many others do to! Do we find that there isn't enough time in a day? So we all must over exert ourselves and exhaust our bodies until we can't function at a human level anymore?
Go to bed Meghan! and YOU TOO!
Note to self: Find one of these adorable pillows!
We sit up, on our computers, weatching tv, reading a book, etc etc, until we can barely keep our eyes open..but..we..must..go..on..
Why!? It's so silly! I do it all the time, and I know many others do to! Do we find that there isn't enough time in a day? So we all must over exert ourselves and exhaust our bodies until we can't function at a human level anymore?
Go to bed Meghan! and YOU TOO!
Note to self: Find one of these adorable pillows!
This brought warmth to my heart. July 24th, 2011, New York City legally passed the union of Gay Marriages.
The look book from the site that is provided is so kind and the stories are so real and magical.
Check them out here
The look book from the site that is provided is so kind and the stories are so real and magical.
Check them out here
Lampshade DIY
So I bought these 2 huge lampshades last year at V V and I have been meaning to recover them. But, knowing me, I will wreck it, or screw one of them up somehow..It's just in my nature to be an absolute clutz. So, I figured may as well do a trial run with project and so, that is just what I did.
I am going to apologize beforehand, but the following pictures are garbage! I don't know if I just don't know how to take a picture with my iPhone or what....but hopefully sometime I can save up for a Canon Rebel *drrroooolllll* and take some REAL pictures!
Step 1: Head to a discount store, once again, Value Village is where I stopped and shopped. Pick up a super ugly, old, you paid to much money for it ($5!!) lamp.
I am going to apologize beforehand, but the following pictures are garbage! I don't know if I just don't know how to take a picture with my iPhone or what....but hopefully sometime I can save up for a Canon Rebel *drrroooolllll* and take some REAL pictures!
Step 1: Head to a discount store, once again, Value Village is where I stopped and shopped. Pick up a super ugly, old, you paid to much money for it ($5!!) lamp.
Step 2: If you have fabric scraps around the house..perfect, if not, I ran to Fabricland and picked some up. I had tons laying around the house, but I needed something to match this god awful base color. I came across this super adorable paisley bit for $6 in a discount bin. The picture sucks, don't mind the tag, just look at the prettttttty fabric!
Step 3: I traced out the triangle shaped sides of the shade and came up with something like this, I needed 4, as it is 4 sided :)
Just to clarify, I couldn't turn the darn picture, uffda.. technology and I are not meant to be!
Step 5: I used fabric glue that I picked up at Michaels to gluethe fabric to the sides of the shade. I made sure the pieces were large enough so that I could glue the fabric to the underside of the shade as well, so there was a tight pull to the fabric.
Step 6: You can do this step, or you don't have to, up to you. But I cut out a 1/2" wide strip that ran from top to bottom of each corner to the sides of the shade. It just gave it a cleaned up, crisp look to me.
Voila! about that base..maybe cream colored??
This fabric would look uber cute as curtains? No?
Welcome August, here you are once again. I would be happy to say that I am glad to see you, but boy you sure did spring upon us quite fast! tsk tsk tsk..
Well, after a hard day yesterday, I am ready to begin today. August. Goodness. I can't quite get over it. July flew by so fast, I must've blinked too many times.
I have this new project that I want to try out today *fingers crossed* it will work. Definitely will post pictures of the process, if all goes well.
I am laying here contemplating my day today, as I should get up, (11:30, that's not TOO late in the morning is it?!) but, I am thinking a lazy day is allowed. Why don't people take lazy days more often? Is it because we feel completely unaccomplished when the day is over? Or is it because we always seem to be in super speed, trying to get everything done at once, taking on a million tasks and trying to complete them all at once, and really forgetting to breathe?
Lazy days are awesome!! I can stay in my pajamas half the day if I really want to. Of course I won't, because, like every other person, I feel I have to much to do. But, a lazy morning, SURE! I have half an hour until noon, and I am just going to lay here and enjoy my bed, read some news online (because it's important you know), read some blogs, and just breathe....
What my heart feels like today. Calm, collected and free.
Well, after a hard day yesterday, I am ready to begin today. August. Goodness. I can't quite get over it. July flew by so fast, I must've blinked too many times.
I have this new project that I want to try out today *fingers crossed* it will work. Definitely will post pictures of the process, if all goes well.
I am laying here contemplating my day today, as I should get up, (11:30, that's not TOO late in the morning is it?!) but, I am thinking a lazy day is allowed. Why don't people take lazy days more often? Is it because we feel completely unaccomplished when the day is over? Or is it because we always seem to be in super speed, trying to get everything done at once, taking on a million tasks and trying to complete them all at once, and really forgetting to breathe?
Lazy days are awesome!! I can stay in my pajamas half the day if I really want to. Of course I won't, because, like every other person, I feel I have to much to do. But, a lazy morning, SURE! I have half an hour until noon, and I am just going to lay here and enjoy my bed, read some news online (because it's important you know), read some blogs, and just breathe....
What my heart feels like today. Calm, collected and free.
"All I really want, is patience" - Alanis Morissette
Hey Miss Alanis, I totally agree with you. Everybody finds in themselves a quality that they don't so much like. Well, mine is definitely, for sure, without a doubt, impatience.
But why am I so impatient? I don't know! I wish I could give some simple answers but simple answers aren't quite my fortay haha. Let's see here, let me go e you some super interesting possibilities to my impatient attributes ( hence the sarcasm!)
-Waiting Is it so hard to have a timeline? I will rush my bottom off just so YOU don't have to wait on ME.
- Same old same old. Change is good! I have a hard time with repetitive actions, it gets terribly boring and I start going a little cuckoo in the noggin.
-Planning If there is something I can look forward too, like days away, I can't sleep. I get so excited and look so forward to it my body goes into hyper active mode. Let time fly faster! Make it get here faster!!
-Life I swear it's getting the best of me. I don want to wait around for it to speed up anymore. I am ready for it now, bring it on! Full force, full speed ahead! I have my imaginary helmet on ready for any unnecessary actions it may throw at me. So come on life, let's get going!!!
And I know life should slow down, that's what everyone says right? Slow it down some because once it picks up, it won't ever slow back down. But I am so ready... I think, that is. I cannot wait to be done apprenticing, get out there, on my own 2 feet. Not like I'm not already but to really get out there and feel independent because as an apprentice your constantly under someone.
Alright so Miss Impatient Meghan here are some things to remember:
- Impatience is ok, but jeeze Louise, it will all be good and ok in the end.
-Take life by he horns and embrace it, each minute, moment and person you pass by.
-Remember you are who you are and you will be who you deserve to be.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
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Out There?
6 Years ago I graduated high school. 6 YEARS, what?! In 6 years I have near accomplished a lot, finished a lot, started new things a lot, met many people along the way, and still have not grasped the 'real world'. Something high school does not prepare you for is the 'real world'. They tell you to:
1. Graduate
2. Go to College
3. Get a Job
4. Get Married
5. Have Kids
Why? Is there this timeline that we are following that we HAVE to do this and we HAVE to do that before our time runs out and we won't be allowed to be successful? Alright so I can check off 1, 2 and 3. But, I'm not finished 2 and 3 yet. I can just feel it. Maybe I want to go back to school, finish off my teaching degree, and get a new job, a different job. It's not that I don't enjoy hairstyling, maybe it's because I feel soooooooooooo unsuccessful with it, that I haven't fullfilled my feeling of accomplishment yet?
So with that being said, what else is out there? What else can I do? I like to try new things, experiment, get creative and pull stuff out of my invisible hat. My mother has said maybe I just like school way to much. Maybe it's a safe harbour for me, maybe I like the pressure of papers and the stability of a schedule? So yep, I want to go back to school, take some online courses, finish up my teaching so I can instruct hairstyling at aUniversity level?
Here is the thing. I say that I am going to do that, I put my mind to it...and then to actually go through with it..HA! That's another story. Something myself and my youngest brother and I have in common, we need that push. Just give me a little nudge, a tap on the shoulder, go on, then I will listen.
Or maybe I just need a new job? Like I have said, I do enjoy what I do...for the most part. It's hard to actually feel successful when I am just so incredibly and utterly bored with what I am doing. Hairstyling was supposed to be my niche...umm, I have yet to feel that. The job, the people, the clients, the atmosphere. Of course it is all taken into consideration....but to move on, that's the next step.
But! Stop complaining! Life is good, your people are good, your mind is full and your body is healthy. Go take on the world and try to figure out...what is out there?
1. Graduate
2. Go to College
3. Get a Job
4. Get Married
5. Have Kids
Why? Is there this timeline that we are following that we HAVE to do this and we HAVE to do that before our time runs out and we won't be allowed to be successful? Alright so I can check off 1, 2 and 3. But, I'm not finished 2 and 3 yet. I can just feel it. Maybe I want to go back to school, finish off my teaching degree, and get a new job, a different job. It's not that I don't enjoy hairstyling, maybe it's because I feel soooooooooooo unsuccessful with it, that I haven't fullfilled my feeling of accomplishment yet?
So with that being said, what else is out there? What else can I do? I like to try new things, experiment, get creative and pull stuff out of my invisible hat. My mother has said maybe I just like school way to much. Maybe it's a safe harbour for me, maybe I like the pressure of papers and the stability of a schedule? So yep, I want to go back to school, take some online courses, finish up my teaching so I can instruct hairstyling at aUniversity level?
Here is the thing. I say that I am going to do that, I put my mind to it...and then to actually go through with it..HA! That's another story. Something myself and my youngest brother and I have in common, we need that push. Just give me a little nudge, a tap on the shoulder, go on, then I will listen.
Or maybe I just need a new job? Like I have said, I do enjoy what I do...for the most part. It's hard to actually feel successful when I am just so incredibly and utterly bored with what I am doing. Hairstyling was supposed to be my niche...umm, I have yet to feel that. The job, the people, the clients, the atmosphere. Of course it is all taken into consideration....but to move on, that's the next step.
But! Stop complaining! Life is good, your people are good, your mind is full and your body is healthy. Go take on the world and try to figure out...what is out there?
Try this DIY!
Simple DIY?? Um, yes please.
Remember one of my first posts about simple, clean, white pieces?? Well..dun dun dunnnn, an uber easy one, that is by far one of my favorite things yet!
First things first, head out to your favorite local discount store.. Mine being V V Boutique. To all you who don't understand my language, Value Village! And as your browsing through objects, or in my case hastily sifting through things, you may come across a super ugly mirror. But of course, this retched piece is calling my name louder and louder.....mmmeegghannn....megghhannn....
So what do you do next? You buy the $5 mirror to a steal and take it home, because yep, you have a fabulous idea!!!
Just take a look at how ugly it is, buy notice the awesome artsy picture I go out of it :)

Next, decide whether you want to paint it black or white... It was a tough decision! Black would've looked awesome and totally fit me..but, simplicity overruled and white one!
So I pulled out my handy iPhone and rang up my roomie who conveniently works at Canadian Tire. The cheapest white spray paint that sticks to plastic, yep, Moe delivered, awesome man.
So after disassembling the mirror I laid it out on some newspaper to spray paint.

I learned the hard was as I went to do a second coat a couple hours later, there was stupid paper stuck allllll over it! Half hour later and the paper is peeled off, I decided to hang onto the mirror and spray another coat.
My hand ending up like this:

But boy did the mirror look nice air dryin on our fence.

NOTE TO SELF: remember this next time :)
But after it was a finished, reassembled, and hung on the wall, I couldn't be more pleased! It is everything I was hoping, and puts such a nice touch to any wall!!

Creativity is my best friend :)
Remember one of my first posts about simple, clean, white pieces?? Well..dun dun dunnnn, an uber easy one, that is by far one of my favorite things yet!
First things first, head out to your favorite local discount store.. Mine being V V Boutique. To all you who don't understand my language, Value Village! And as your browsing through objects, or in my case hastily sifting through things, you may come across a super ugly mirror. But of course, this retched piece is calling my name louder and louder.....mmmeegghannn....megghhannn....
So what do you do next? You buy the $5 mirror to a steal and take it home, because yep, you have a fabulous idea!!!
Just take a look at how ugly it is, buy notice the awesome artsy picture I go out of it :)
Next, decide whether you want to paint it black or white... It was a tough decision! Black would've looked awesome and totally fit me..but, simplicity overruled and white one!
So I pulled out my handy iPhone and rang up my roomie who conveniently works at Canadian Tire. The cheapest white spray paint that sticks to plastic, yep, Moe delivered, awesome man.
So after disassembling the mirror I laid it out on some newspaper to spray paint.
I learned the hard was as I went to do a second coat a couple hours later, there was stupid paper stuck allllll over it! Half hour later and the paper is peeled off, I decided to hang onto the mirror and spray another coat.
My hand ending up like this:
But boy did the mirror look nice air dryin on our fence.
NOTE TO SELF: remember this next time :)
But after it was a finished, reassembled, and hung on the wall, I couldn't be more pleased! It is everything I was hoping, and puts such a nice touch to any wall!!
Creativity is my best friend :)
love is
It has been a hard, fitful, exhausting week. Why blog when I haven't got the energy to blog about something new, fun, or exciting? Why blog when I just want to complain? No, that's not the point of this blog, I have to remember. So, I kept it to myself this past week, and now I feel like I have SO much that I could be writing about ,that I could be sharing, or venting out of my system. But today, Monday, or as I want to call Shmoozday, is a day of nothing. I woke up feeling gross and terrible and because I didn't have to work today, I thought why not take a day, lay in bed, catch up on zzzzz's and realize that doing nothing sometimes is...OK!
But can I ask something? Something that is a lifelong question that doesn't even really have a definite answer. Something that I really don't even want a definite answer too. Something that every single person has a different personal opinion to. That question is.... what is love?
Is love: When I wake up in the morning and smile because I see
Is love: That feeing of nervousness and excitement when I think of our life together?
Is love: When you reach out for my hand and my heart smiles?
Is love: How you love my family and my family absolutely loves you?
Is love: The anxiety that sweeps over me when I think of you ever leaving me?
Is love: For you making me laugh and in return you laughing at me?
Is love: Me loving your family and having so much fun when we are with them?
Is love: Me being proud to be your girlfriend?
Is love: Loving you for the person that you are and waiting to build our future one step at a time?
Love is me loving you.
Love is you loving me.
But can I ask something? Something that is a lifelong question that doesn't even really have a definite answer. Something that I really don't even want a definite answer too. Something that every single person has a different personal opinion to. That question is.... what is love?
Is love: When I wake up in the morning and smile because I see
Is love: That feeing of nervousness and excitement when I think of our life together?
Is love: When you reach out for my hand and my heart smiles?
Is love: How you love my family and my family absolutely loves you?
Is love: The anxiety that sweeps over me when I think of you ever leaving me?
Is love: For you making me laugh and in return you laughing at me?
Is love: Me loving your family and having so much fun when we are with them?
Is love: Me being proud to be your girlfriend?
Is love: Loving you for the person that you are and waiting to build our future one step at a time?
Love is me loving you.
Love is you loving me.
Happy late Monday evening, very late, vey hot, and sticky! It was a fast paced weekend with good friends and lots of laughter. The bachelorette festivities went of fabulously. My girl was hilarious and quite enjoyed her evening, as did I!
As for the rest of the weekend, I was saddened with he news that I have been diagnosed with tendinitis. Considering my profession as a hairdresser, this is rather unfortunate. I have many years ahead of me yet and it scares me to be honest. We will see how the next couple weeks go, but if it is this sore now... Who knows what the future holds.
But! No more of this silly sadness, I am blessed with a great family, an amazing boyfriend, and loving friends. Hurray to such wonderful people!!
Now to share my uber nummy super tonight, shrimp, raspberries an spinach salad! NUM NUM!!!!

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As for the rest of the weekend, I was saddened with he news that I have been diagnosed with tendinitis. Considering my profession as a hairdresser, this is rather unfortunate. I have many years ahead of me yet and it scares me to be honest. We will see how the next couple weeks go, but if it is this sore now... Who knows what the future holds.
But! No more of this silly sadness, I am blessed with a great family, an amazing boyfriend, and loving friends. Hurray to such wonderful people!!
Now to share my uber nummy super tonight, shrimp, raspberries an spinach salad! NUM NUM!!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iP
Water.... Am I camel, because my goodness I am a water drinking machine today. It's hot and sticky out and those who come in for haircuts have the heat radiating off of them. I praised summer yesterday and am rethinking that thought today, only for those sweaty souls. Yuck. Is it that bad that I am feeling a lounge session in a kiddie pool with a cold brew in my hand?
Tomorrow will be a kibosh on the blogging home front I am assuming. Not only is it a day of work, but my good friend, and soon to be Mrs, is celebrating the end of her single years. It shall be a debacle and I shall be a puddle!
Cheers mates! Happy weekend!!

Tomorrow will be a kibosh on the blogging home front I am assuming. Not only is it a day of work, but my good friend, and soon to be Mrs, is celebrating the end of her single years. It shall be a debacle and I shall be a puddle!
Cheers mates! Happy weekend!!
Sweet Summertime
I used to be one of those people who hated summer.... I know, who hates summer? I was a winter girl at heart, but over the years that has certainly changed! I think it mostly changed when
A. I learned to accept the body I have been given B. I began to explore with my cooking abilities.
That being said... I LOVE to BBQ! It's likely what has me most excited about summer being here. If you don't know, I am a Demi vegetarian, meaning I only eat fish products. Do you know how much fun it is to try different seafoods on the grill? It's absolutely fantastic!! Coming from a long line of fabulous chefs, you would've thunk I could've realized this before, but nope! 2 years ago in June I became a Demi and haven't regreted it a day since, especially due to my new good friend the BBQ.
Enjoy summer! Great friends, food, and bevies... HAIL SUMMER!

It may be our first summer together, but boy, it won't be our last :)
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A. I learned to accept the body I have been given B. I began to explore with my cooking abilities.
That being said... I LOVE to BBQ! It's likely what has me most excited about summer being here. If you don't know, I am a Demi vegetarian, meaning I only eat fish products. Do you know how much fun it is to try different seafoods on the grill? It's absolutely fantastic!! Coming from a long line of fabulous chefs, you would've thunk I could've realized this before, but nope! 2 years ago in June I became a Demi and haven't regreted it a day since, especially due to my new good friend the BBQ.
Enjoy summer! Great friends, food, and bevies... HAIL SUMMER!
It may be our first summer together, but boy, it won't be our last :)
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Love Yourself
Love yourself, it's simple and true, and completely possible. Be who you are to yourself. Be strong and don't be afraid to possess the inner and outer confidence to your own self that you deserve. Love is a powerful thing, but knowing that you love the person who you are is first and foremost. It will give you the best world that you can possibly imagine.
Simple DIY Beauty
I bought these little styrofoam balls forever ago and couldn't decide what I wanted to do with them... Until today! It's simple, pretty, and can hang anywhere!
Things you need:
Styrofoam balls
Flower petals
Tacks or glue
Dollarama was the first and only stop to pick brought their wide assortment of plastic flowers

After gathering all my supplies together, I started cuttin the flowers off the vine, leaving about a 1/2" of cine on the flower to stick it into the styrofoam ball.

I tacked the ribbon to the flower balls and hung them from the ceiling. I love it and can't wait to make more!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Things you need:
Styrofoam balls
Flower petals
Tacks or glue
Dollarama was the first and only stop to pick brought their wide assortment of plastic flowers
After gathering all my supplies together, I started cuttin the flowers off the vine, leaving about a 1/2" of cine on the flower to stick it into the styrofoam ball.
I tacked the ribbon to the flower balls and hung them from the ceiling. I love it and can't wait to make more!!!
Simple, elegant and clean. It's the feeling inside that I get when I come across white pieces. It always makes them seem so put together, organized and detailed...something in which my life is not, likely about the complete opposite.
Sporadic and random are more like it, but you know, I don't mind. I don't follow time shcedules well and I'm not all that much for planning, as random adventure can make life even that more exciting.
Today is a day off work, and what's happening? I don't know. I slept in, woo!! I can blog all day, search the internet, or lay outside and relax with the shimmering sun. Whatever I feel, whatever I want, whatever I please! Because, it's a ME day!
One of my favorite reads, A Cup of Jo, such a fabulous, interesting woman, with so much to say! Have a look for yourself :)
Cup Of Jo
Embrace today!
Sporadic and random are more like it, but you know, I don't mind. I don't follow time shcedules well and I'm not all that much for planning, as random adventure can make life even that more exciting.
Today is a day off work, and what's happening? I don't know. I slept in, woo!! I can blog all day, search the internet, or lay outside and relax with the shimmering sun. Whatever I feel, whatever I want, whatever I please! Because, it's a ME day!
One of my favorite reads, A Cup of Jo, such a fabulous, interesting woman, with so much to say! Have a look for yourself :)
Cup Of Jo
Embrace today!