
Where does it come from? I often ask myself this... not only because I have the creativity in me to take on new projects and tasks, but because it is not something in which I carry in my immediate family.
Sure my aunt is creative, but not in the sort of way that I am.
It's like I see a picture, or a piece of work, and I think... "how can I make something out of that, or how can I make it my own?"
One day, when I have my own place, I don't want to buy my pieces of art, or my little nicks and knacks. I want to have a house full of my own little interesing pieces that I myself have done.
I want a house alive and full of my energy and personal creations. Something that people can come and say "wow, that's something else, how did you ever think of that?"

I am a blogger fanatic.I love reading and seeing other projects that other people have taken on themselves. Because I think, my goodness, how did they come up with that? It's so neat to see what other people dream up and put from their mind into real life.

I have a number of things that I soon want to try. To find the time, the energy, and the consistancy to actually do it is something that I really want to do...for myself!

My new favorite website/Blog is about a cute couple who do things together. Who create projects together and have turned their home into a piece of art. It's gorgeous, and I have to say..I am slightly jealous!

Now Mr.T, will you please do this with me? I want to share the life experience of creating beauty with you. It will be fun..frustrating..and you may get fed up..but, together, we can do it!!

I am off for my holidays, so to the lake I go! Strawberry Margaritas call my name, and so..I shall sip away!

The Lettered Cottage, you have to visit, it's a must!
The Lettered Cottage

BE YOURSELF decal sticker wall nice children sticker beautiful words


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