I found this though, on the Ikea website.... It's not just a WANT WANT WANT WANT, it's a NEED NEED NEED NEED! Our bedroom at the new place is rather small, and this is a fantastic idea! I LOOOOVVVEEEE IT!! Alright, what I am about to show you isn't the Ikea website, but it's an adorable couple, that I haven't mentioned before..and I don't know how, because I go to their site for EVERYTHING! They are adorable, their house(s) are adorable..and they work together. Something I wish every couple could do. Work together. Such a strong bond and with the help of 4 hands..not 2.. so much more can ge accomplished!
I know, adorable right? And such a fabulous idea. Instead of putting those 2 lamps overhead, or rather those monograms, I think I would put a shelf. For things like, alarm clock, book, light, etc . But I love it, and must have it. I am not sure about the curtains on the side wardrobes, or if I would put doors instead. But I love the entire concept, and Mr Man, you will agree and love it as well!!
The tape measurer will be pulled out once we have our bed in place, ooooooh, I screech with excitement!!
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