Happy Halloween!!!!

Somebody slap me on the wrist. 
I am awfully bad at keeping up in here...and it's not even a hard thing to do! 
The past couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy, so that always has something to do with it..I know..excuses are not needed. 

I have been painting like crazy... I seem to work and to paint. Not much of a life outside of that, not that I am really complaining, it would just be nice to indulge sometimes. 

Our move has been good so far, we have our little arguments, but I mean, who doesn't...correct? Our apartment is too small though..through my eyes..and all my stuff..our stuff! There isn't enough room for it all, and I want more! haha, of course. 

Anyhow..It's Halloween today, so I must wish you all a super Happy Halloween! I didn't get any decorating, or any costumes together this year. Extremely saddening..I know.. 
But! Next year, I plan to decorate the bajeezish out of our apartment!


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