Happy Halloween!!!!

Somebody slap me on the wrist. 
I am awfully bad at keeping up in here...and it's not even a hard thing to do! 
The past couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy, so that always has something to do with it..I know..excuses are not needed. 

I have been painting like crazy... I seem to work and to paint. Not much of a life outside of that, not that I am really complaining, it would just be nice to indulge sometimes. 

Our move has been good so far, we have our little arguments, but I mean, who doesn't...correct? Our apartment is too small though..through my eyes..and all my stuff..our stuff! There isn't enough room for it all, and I want more! haha, of course. 

Anyhow..It's Halloween today, so I must wish you all a super Happy Halloween! I didn't get any decorating, or any costumes together this year. Extremely saddening..I know.. 
But! Next year, I plan to decorate the bajeezish out of our apartment!


Does it define you?
Does it make you who you are, the person that you were and the person you have become?
Is it strong enough to support you, your inner and outer being?
Does it make you an individual and unique in your own way?
Does it shape you and frame the child, teen, young and old adult that you were and will be?
Do you like your name? 
What made your parents choose your name?

I personally...love my name. It makes me feel strong, it makes me feel a sense of wisdom and individuality. I love my first name. Meghan. I love the way it is spelt, I love the way it is pronounced. And, I love how much my mother loves it. 
I love my middle name. Mary. I love the sound it makes when it rolls off my tongue. I love how it flows with my first name. And. I love how it is my Baba's first name, it makes me feel honoured and proud to carry her name.

Big ones little ones

I LOVE buttons!!!!
They are fun and fabulous and can be used in sooo many different ways! I am experimenting with them again after some time of not playing around. And I have discovered in ways to add a little dimension to a painting! It's gorgeous and fun and totally my style!

You wouldn't even believe how incredibly easy this was too!
I want to make more.. Tons more! And I want to share them with evvveerryone!!

Here is something else made from a button it's pretty cute too:

It can be pretty much anything you want, but it's a hair pin! Adorable ehhh?? Love love love buttons :)
Any ideas or thoughts, throw them my way!!


The new obsession of the day...the growing and ever so popuar...

If you are wondering what is it, how does it work, and why on earth would anyone be on such a thing.... click here ..dun dun dun..below!

See for yourself my loves :)


I feel like lightning in a bottle. Ready to explode. I have all this creativity hiding inside of me, but I feel there is never enough time to ever do it, or start it, or finish it, or show it off! 
I have a million and five things that I want to create and I haven't been able to begin one of them in days and days and days. Soon...soooooooooooooooon it will happen.
Thank goodness for my boy to understand my quirky, crazy, whacky, insane, can't sit still for one minute self. I drive myself bonkers most days, so I can't even begin to understand how crazy I must drive him some days. 
Keep moving forward..
Just keep swimming..


Well as it turns out I have had a couple inquiries about all the paintings I have been doing. Do I decide to post and sell? Or keep to myself? I absolutely love doing it, but what do you think? Are they good enough to sell, or completely amateur?

I love what I do. It's hard and fun and totally me!


With the move to the new apartment, all I have been able to see is...WHITE WALLS! Don't get me wrong, I like white walls, but... There was some definite color needed. Hence, here is the newest project I have embellished myself with.

First things first , I scrounged up all my paint and decided what colors I wanted to go with. I didn't have the right ones the play with, so I went on down to Michaels and picked up a couple more from the cheap  $.69 display. Also, a sharpie paint marker. I bought the brown one, I was hoping for a darker brown, but this one did the job.

I tried and tried to change the picture around, but..it was super stubborn. And the picture quality absolutely sucks. 

I also had 3 canvas' lying around..yay! They are the 16x20 sizes. 

Free handed a couple trees and branches here and there

And painted on some dots of all shapes and sizes 



Well readers, it's official, my boy and I are living together! And for the first bit it has been more than wonderful, how Long will it last? How about forever because I am completely head over heels in love with this guy. Yes life together will have it's ups and downs, as a young couples living together always do.... , but this is it, I have my helmet on, ready to embrace anything that comes our way.
The apartment is adorable! Spacious enough for the pair of us, but small enough to keep junk to a minimum. Am I enjoying the decorating aspect of it all? You bet your bippy I am. It's so fun and frustrating and overwhelming and I LOVE IT!
I will post pics in the near future of the progress and even tonight I have a project!


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