
Made it back to the good ol' neighbourhood for a couple days.. Actually just half a day and an overnight. But it's more than I have in a long time. I haven't been home for a couple months now and wow do you ever notice a difference when you do get this way. I went to go and make coffee this morning, low and behold, the coffee maker broke and was tossed a long time ago! But it's nice to have some family time, to catch up and to pack up hundreds of pounds of stuff that I have. Guess you don't realize you have so much as to when you actually have to move it. Holy man, it's ridiculous! I threw a ton out and am giving lots of stuff away, get it off my chest! Let someone else enjoy it! But,  you throw shit out and then with me, I am still buying more. NOT even to replace what I have tossed, but to add more to a room, more to my closet..more, more, more... what a bad habit. Definitely neeeeeeeed to kibosh that one.
I found this though, on the Ikea website.... It's not just a WANT WANT WANT WANT, it's a NEED NEED NEED NEED! Our bedroom at the new place is rather small, and this is a fantastic idea! I LOOOOVVVEEEE IT!!  Alright, what I am about to show you isn't the Ikea website, but it's an adorable couple, that I haven't mentioned before..and I don't know how, because I go to their site for EVERYTHING! They are adorable, their house(s) are adorable..and they work together. Something I wish every couple could do. Work together. Such a strong bond and with the help of 4 hands..not 2.. so much more can ge accomplished!

 Bedroom During
Bedrooom After

I know, adorable right? And such a fabulous idea. Instead of putting those 2 lamps overhead, or rather those monograms, I think I would put a shelf. For things like, alarm clock, book, light, etc . But I love it, and must have it. I am not sure about the curtains on the side wardrobes, or if I would put doors instead. But I love the entire concept, and Mr Man, you will agree and love it as well!!
The tape measurer will be pulled out once we have our bed in place, ooooooh, I screech with excitement!!

Happy Dance

Alright, who is ready for it?
Take a seat, grab some popcorn, and be ready to laugh like silly...
Because of the ridiculous dance that I'm about to do for you!!
Someone got their own place!
With their boyfriend!
It's amazing, scary, exciting, nerve racking, just freaking AWESOME all wound into one!!!
Ready to decorate, to settle, to come home to my wonderfully handsome and goofy guy. Ready to use all my own stuff, my kitchen things! To bake and cook and eat in our own place. To sleep next to him everynight, even when I wanna strangle him...!
There will be bad days, but every bad day there will be hundreds of good days to make up for that one. I know it, I can feel it, and I can only welcome this new change with an open heart.


Just celebrated a birthday weekend with my boy. I couldn't give him much, mostly my heart. Which I give in full. What a wonderful start to years of birthdays ahead :)

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I recently aquired an apartment all to myself. Something in which I have been looking forward to for years now. The only problem being now, I don't have the funds to afford the place..
Any suggestions as to what I can to do to make a little extra cash..and No I will not be on the corner of 1st and Braecrest, even though I could make mad money there!
It's tough to take on an extra job when the one I have is all over the place for hours.... And if it would be an extra job, just one day a week can work. But, It's worth the shot, I just wish there were an easier way. Of course, easier way...yaaaa right...
This new position that I have transfered to best pick up the pace or else I will be a very unsatisfied employee..
Oh life, thanks for the kick in the ass! :)


Let the bass in the speakers run through your sneakers.

I'm having a Kurt Cobain moment this morning. I have read the book Heavier than Heaven 3 times now I think..and I just woke up having a craving for Nirvana. I love all kinds of music..but I will forever lovvvveee Kurt Cobain.
 I can't describe a definite genre of a music bc I love it all, most of the time. I go through phases in which I like something more than the other, but generally if I can tap my toes or sing a long, I'm going to like it.
I am in love with Mozella right now, actually have been for a while now, just a young indie girl that has a gorgeous voice and has cute, meaningful lyrics.
I listened to Creed this morning. Haha, it came up on my iTunes and I definitely sang a long, belted out a bit, and got deep into it. Haha, oh the music of the past, the present, and the unannounced future.
It frightens me sometimes to think of the 'artists' out there that are abusing the music industry with their poppy, tweenie, money grabbing music. That really doesn't make sense, and is robbing poor parents of their money. But, hey what can I do, just ignore it and carry on with music that actually makes sense. Except Nicki Minaj, she DOES NOT make sense for the life of her, but, I do enjoy her completely rando, useless lyrics, and catchy beats.At times, and in moderation.
Just listened to some New Amsterdamns, Honarary Title, Earlimart, etc etc. Love the garage, indie bands. By far the favorites.
It's kinda neat really, because the CW network always has way different bands on their shows, music that I've certainly never heard. So what they do i they put up all the music they had on the shows onto their site to promote those bands. They help them get on their feet in the music industry, SO cool! Exactly where I discovered most indie bands I listen to...And to you, that's my lesson for the day!
GO out there, enjoy a good tune, and be fortunate that there are such talented people in the world that live their life making us happy with their beautiful, wonderful, and super whacky, creations.
-I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not - Kurt Cobain

To the fall

It's here, I can feel it in my bones. The crisp, clean air of fall. And... I love it!! It is just wonderful to be ready for summer to be over and for fall to begin. It kickstarting the process of winter arrival. Winter is my favorite, always has been always will be.
Many are completely gung hoe over summer. Nope, uh uh, not this gal. Winter clothes, winter tires, winter mitties and red rosy noses. Hehehehe, I love it!!

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What happens?

Do you get into arguments? Or disagreements? Or stupid little nonsense quarrels?
Does it break your heart? Does it feed the anger inside or rip you apart?
Do you feel overwhelmed with hurt? With despair and anxiety?
Does your body feel like it's past it's limit, you want to just break down and say enough is enough?
Maybe not you. Maybe that's just me. Maybe it's over thinking and over analyzing and just... Me being me....

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